About Dr. Yang

Call Now: 773-653-4100

Licai Yang, OMD.

Acupuncturist & Herbalist in Chicago


30 Years Experience

Specialized in Acupuncture & Herbs

For Fertility & Infertility

Couple Treatment Plans


Titles & Credentials:

Board Certified Licensed Acupuncturist (Illinois USA)


Licensed OB/GYN Attending physician and Acupuncturist at Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (1993-2001)


OB/GYN Fellow at Beijing Union University Hospital (1991-1993)


Licensed Acupuncturist and Licensed Physician at Hebei Ronjun Hospital(1988-1991)


Hebei Medical University (1983-1988, Medical School & Residence)



Academic Awards:

First Prize of the Beijing Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Clinical Study (1995)


Winner of the Beijing Government Award for Excellent Scientist (1996)


Fist Prize of Beijing Health Department for Excellent Research (1998)




Beijing Association of Licensed Physician.

Beijing Acupuncture Association.



Clinical Interest:

Fertility and infertility related issues. Treat Infertility related issues such as unexplained infertility, miscarriage, endometriosis, POF, High FSH, assist IVF improve IVF successful rate.




Dr. Yang was MD and OMD who are trained both in western and oriental medicine, her profound knowledge enable her patient can get the best benefits what Traditional Chinese Medicine can offer.



By targeting infertility, we treat all conditions which cause infertility, Dr. Yang offer the best solutions to heal infertility, service include: comprehensive system and fertility review and consultation, Acupuncture treatment, Herbal Medicine, diet coaching, ear acupuncture, ear seeds acupuncture, electric acupuncture, moxibustion, qigong meditation etc.



Specialized in Acupuncture & Herbs, she offer Couple Treatment Plans to treat  Fertility & Infertility related issues to help couples achieve the goal of having healthy babies.


"Fertility-Fertility-Fertility", yes, repeat three times! It is our prayers for healing and it is what kind of acupuncture practice I do every day, all day, and have done for the past two decades. Fertility-Fertility-Fertility, This is what kind of service I can offer and that is what my patient need: Fertility-Fertility-Fertility.


Licai Yang, MD.,(Beijing, China), Licensed Acupuncturist (Chicago, Illinois), she has 30 years clinical experience help patients for infertility.  Dr. Zhanhai Zhang, MD.(Beijing, China), Licensed Acupuncturist (Chicago Illinois) has 30 years experience for practicing Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine.